Action, Reciprocity, and Transformation

In April 2020, Correctional Services Canada announced that all research would be postponed indefinitely due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. 

Feeling uneasy at the idea of doing nothing, our team made the decision to carry forward the wisdom, creativity, and compassion we have had the honour to witness from men and women hidden behind prison walls. We aimed to find creative ways to support the health, well-being, and dignity of incarcerated people during the pandemic and beyond.

In the hustle of this year, we have focused mainly on supporting incarcerated individuals, and we are now excited to have a digital space, in the form of a website, to share updates by the treasured circle of thinkers, doers, and visionaries who have helped guide this work so far.

We would like to welcome you to our official website. We hope that this will act as a community hub to continue fostering current and new relationships, share updates of our ongoing work, form connections, and receive insights and feedback from you – the reader.

Warmly and with immense appreciation,

The ART & Justice team

Our Origin Story

View our timeline, learn about our roots, and what motivates our team to do the work we do. 

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What We Are Doing Now

Discover what we are doing now.

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