Ongoing Work to Support Reciprocity
As of July 2022, we have delivered 765 art kits to federal prisons, parole offices, and other community partners. We have received over 800 piece of visual art and writing back.
We are currently developing new ways to best honour their stories, creativity, and work. This includes:
· Creating physical and digital art booklets. These booklets are shared with the artists inside prisons and with artists in communities to support reciprocal benefits.
· Developing digital platforms to display their work· We are working with our partners at Correctional Services Canada to develop an offline digital gallery that will be accessible inside prisons, so that artists and storytellers can read comments and words of gratitude from the community.

· Partnering with art galleries and libraries such as the X̱wi7x̱wa Library at the University of British Columbia to have their work recognized by a wider audience.
We are also thankful to work with amazing organizations, some of which we have been able to send art kits to, such as:
- Circles of Accountability and Support (CoSA), Vancouver Fraser Valley
- Anderson Sister’s Healing Lodge, Circle of Eagles Society, Community Residential Facility
- Naa-na-himyis Brother’s Healing Lodge, Circle of Eagles Society, Community Residential Facility
- Dick Bell Irving, Community Residential Facility
- Columbia Place, Elizabeth Fry Society, Community Residential Facility
- Maria Keary Cottage, Community Residential Facility
- Firth Residence, Community Residential Facility
- Yeqox Nilin Justice Society
- Fraser Region Aboriginal Friendship Centre Association
- Gallery Gachet
- The Reach Gallery Museum